Accelerate the energy revolution

Energy is the cornerstone of human development. Every leap in productivity,The progress of science and technology is closely related to energy.

Accelerate the energy revolution

Energy is the cornerstone of human development. Every leap in productivity,The progress of science and technology is closely related to energy.

Accelerate the energy revolution

Energy is the cornerstone of human development. Every leap in productivity,The progress of science and technology is closely related to energy.


YIBIN TIANYI LITHIUM INDUSTRY CO.,LTD. is mainly jointly sponsored by two listed companies, Canmax Technologies Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 300390) and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.,Limited (Stock Code: 300750). It was incorporated in Jiang'an County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province on November 19, 2018.

Battery grade lithium hydroxide and other lithium battery material series products

Products are widely used in batteries, new energy vehicles, energy storage and other fields


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sustainable development

To undertake the vision and mission of the company, we have formulated a sustainable development strategy, and take sustainable development as a priority criterion, which is fully integrated into the overall development strategy of the enterprise.


Every job has value

make sense

We are people-oriented and committed to promoting the common growth of talents and enterprises. We welcome talents from all backgrounds, fields and skills.


Corporate Social Responsibility